My weekend actually began on Wednesday when I picked up my dear friend Rosemary and her sister Carrie, at the train station. You need a little background. Rosemary and I were very close friend for a bunch of years. We had met through a mutual friend, but had become close during the time he died and later sharing our grief, anger and other emotions. Then 9/11 happened, and neither of us could be there for the other, and we parted ways. A few months ago, while doing The Artist's Way, I wrote to Rosemary and we reconnected. That she, a veritable non-knitter, and her sister, an addicted knitter like the rest of us, should come to this retreat, was truly a gift from the Gods. Reconnecting with Roses was truly the highlight in a weekend full of light.
Thursday was arrival day, and I had the joy of seeing Wiawaka presented to two people who had never been there. We were a bit early, so we couldn't check in. Rosemary and Carrie went to wander the grounds and I went in search of Tina. It didn't take much time for me to find them, as they were walking up from the lake:
Yes, that's Tina with her wheel on her head. Millie, her mother, is behind her carrying the empty spinning wheel bag. Go figure.
We got to settle into our rooms. The accommodations at Lake House are....shall we say...rustic.
That is along one wall. You're looking at the desktop which has three dresser drawers beneath it.
Now you're looking at the wall at right angles to the wall with the desk. Notice how the room is only wide enough for the bed (twin) and the door, and the width of the desk (14 inches). Hmmmm.
Now you're looking at the other corner. Note. I have not moved. That is how small the room is. I'm estimating 5' x 9". Which always makes me feel like I'm in a rustic convent in the woods. In a good way.
That evening there was dinner, then much talking and get to know one another.
The next morning I decided to forego the 8:00am breakfast and get some alone time. I was prepared for this possibility and brought coffeemaker, coffee, cereal and yogurt. I spent a great hour alone writing in my journal and slowly waking up before the rest of the house returned. It was a good move for me.
I spent more of that morning, walking the Labrynth (a new addition) and sitting at "the point" which conveniently has 2 adirondack chairs. Of course, you'd think I could have pictures of this spot, but I didn't.
I spent some time with Katie, and read to her from an Anne Lamott book. Who, despite being Christian, is one of my favorite spiritual writers.
The rest of the weekend is a blur of knitting and spinning and laughing. Oh yes, much laughing. Actually, I didn't do nearly as much knitting as I'd expected, but I spent a lot of time on the wheel.
I finished the green merino just before going up, the grand total is 1200 yards. Sounds like enough for a nice shawl for myself. I'm currently in the process of spinning Carolyn's (Seekay Crafts) sherbety/firey merino, and then on much more that I can't even begin to describe. In the next couple of days I'll upload pictures of the
If you want more accounts of the weekend (and much better pictures) go here, here, here, here and here. Really, do click on all those links because the pictures are great (and so are the blogs).
Until next time (when, I promise, there will be more pictures).
Excellent WOOL wrap-up! It was great meeting you and hanging out, spinning & talking & laughing. I will be back next year! I also walked the labyrinth (in the morning after breakfast) but never managed to sit at the point. I stood there though. The bed in my convent room was pushed up by the window so my head wasn't by the door. I really liked the rustic spartan rooms.
It was wonderful to have you there, and I'm very glad that you had a good time. Wiawaka is amazing, but even more so is the magick you get when you convene a group of fiber folk in one place. We could make it work anywhere, I think. The wonder is in the community.
I love that photo of me by the way, too bad you didn't have your real camera with you!
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