Friday, October 17, 2008

View from the wheelchair

Yesterday morning. I woke up, went downstairs to get coffee. Missed the bottom step or two....and crunch.

This is me, in the emergency room of St. Mary's Hospital, calmly knitting on Tim's rhinebeck sweater, waiting to be called in for x-rays.

This is the X-ray:

See the diagonal line that goes ALL THE WAY ACROSS MY BIG TOE?? That's the fracture line. Yes folks, a complete fracture of the right Hallux.

See the strange angle of said toe? Listing to starboard. That's not the way its supposed to be. Getting that set was the most painful experience of my life....even with the Novocaine block.

This is me waiting for Tim to bring the car around.

Will we be at Rhinebeck? Planning on it. I'll be the one in the wheelchair wearing a turquoise shawl, and the ugly black ortho-boot, floating in a haze of Percocet.

I may not get the sweater finished in time.


Jessica said...

OMG you poor thing!!!!! I hope they gave you really good drugs. Just think, with all that armor you can shove people out of your way at Rhinebeck to get to what you want. ;) See you there and I hope you heal fast!

Unknown said...

My poor baby ;-(

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness girl! You are one tuff cookie. I really hope to see you tomorrow since you are still coming to Rhinebeck. Please be careful in the crowds. Glad you have such a wonderful husband to take care of you! I'm sure he will get you an extra special treat for being so brave. Hope all the wool fumes aid in a speedy recovery.
Diane :)

Anonymous said...

*hugs* Poor Red. I'll call you around 10:30 and see how you guys are doing, I'll track you down and say hi for sure.

Rest, heal and kick ass next year! Tim won't mind the sweater not done (if you're not). He's more worried about you than a pile of constructive yarn.

Anonymous said...

Oh OWIE! So sorry about the toe. Hope you can still make it to Rhinebeck for some fiber therapy.